Age-Defying Surgery for the Upper Eyelids

We’ve all come to associate a bright-eyed, confident appearance with happiness and youth, but that look is the first to go when facial aging begins to make its presence known. As part of Dr. Karam’s commitment to comprehensive facial rejuvenation, he’s proud to be offering upper eyelid surgery, both on its own and as part of the highly customizable Vertical Restore procedure.  To learn more about how upper eyelid surgery can help you enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, simply reach out and set up your consultation with a member of our dedicated team today!

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

The ideal surgical candidate for upper eyelid surgery is a patient from any age group that exhibits redundant upper eyelid skin to a degree that it is negatively affecting the individual’s appearance. It’s difficult to feel like your confident and best self when your age is showing through your eyes, so upper eyelid surgery is here to help you enjoy a more open and inviting appearance.

The upper lids may appear “tired” and, in some extreme cases can impact the lateral visual field. Younger patients affected by familial blepharochalasis (extra eyelid skin formation) often benefit from upper blepharoplasty between the ages of 20 and 40 years old, but the typical “aging face” patient will benefit from surgical excision once they reach 40 years or older.

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When to Consider Upper Eyelid Surgery

If you’re looking for these results, upper eyelid blepharoplasty may be your best option:

  • Youthful, natural-looking eyes
  • Removal of heavy, hooded extra skin in upper eyelids
  • Elimination of boney and skeletonized look around eyes
  • Changing your haggard, tired, or aged appearance

Our Unique Treatment Approach

Our upper eyelid blepharoplasty procedure is designed to remove the extra skin that sags and drapes over the upper eyelid, which not only makes the eye appear hooded but also makes the eyelid feel heavy. Many patients note how much more comfortable and light their upper eyelids feel after this procedure.

The incision is made in the natural eyelid crease and only unnecessary skin is removed. Because fat and muscle are not removed, the eyes appear naturally refreshed and never change their shape. Once the skin is removed, fine sutures are used in a meticulous way to close the skin.

Creating Your Precise Results

The goal of upper eyelid rejuvenation is to create refreshed and bright-looking eyes that do not look tired and heavy, restoring your youthful appearance without altering it. Successful rejuvenation of this region requires a thorough understanding of the aging process and knowledge of what constitutes a youthful appearance.

There has been a movement away from aggressive removal of skin, muscle, and fat, which is associated with hollowing and skeletonization of the upper lid complex. The modern approach involves conservative upper eyelid blepharoplasty targeted primarily at the excess upper eyelid skin, coupled with volume augmentation of the outer eyebrow and upper eyelid region.

In some cases, a lateral brow lift is required to treat the hooding resulting from the descent of the temple-brow soft tissue complex. The aim is to achieve a youthful and healthier appearing upper eyelid region. During your consultation, Dr. Karam will get to know your personal goals, developing a treatment plan that enables you to enjoy your ideal look for years to come.

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Chapter 18 Kim Stahler Testimonial

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The Advantages of Upper Eyelid Surgery with Dr. Karam

  • Natural-looking results
  • Direct treatment of the change resulting from aging
  • No change in your appearance, look, or identity
  • Changes that leave your eyes looking refreshed and youthful
  • Low complication rate
  • The procedure is performed comfortably under local anesthesia with IV sedation
  • Short recovery
  • Minimal to no discomfort
  • Long-lasting results (10+ years)
  • Convenient San Diego practice location
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Complementary Combinations, for Comprehensive Rejuvenation

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is commonly combined with the lateral brow lift and fat transfer to create a balanced and truly restorative eye rejuvenation. This procedure can also be incorporated into the Vertical Restore treatment, which is customized and specifically tailored to each patient’s unique facial aging situation and personal cosmetic goals. Set up your consultation to learn more about how Vertical Restore can help you.

When the lateral brow begins to descend, it causes crowding and heaviness around the outer upper eyelid area. This hooding cannot be treated with the upper eyelid blepharoplasty alone and requires that the lateral eyebrow be lifted to open up the corner of the eyes, followed by an upper eyelid blepharoplasty that removes the excess eyelid skin. This is a common combination when both aging changes are happening simultaneously.

Hollowing and volume loss around the temple, upper orbital rim, and around the eyes and cheeks are often simultaneously treated with fat transfer to restore the fat loss and create a truly rejuvenated appearance that hearkens back to the fullness of youth. Dr. Karam offers a full range of facial rejuvenation procedures, giving him an exemplary level of agility when it comes to designing a treatment plan that unites you with your ideal cosmetic outcome.

Post-Procedural Care

Following your surgery, an ointment will be applied to the incisions and you’ll return to the comfort of your home or hotel room. A cool compress will be used to reduce swelling for the first two days following surgery.

Lubricating drops will need to be used during the day and ointment will be important at night to help keep your eyes moist and protected from drying. Antibiotic ointment will be used on the incisions, to keep them healthy for one week.

After one week, your sutures will be removed in our office. At this point, your swelling will be resolving rapidly and we’ll set up follow-up appointments at one month, three months, six months, and one year to monitor healing and make sure all of your questions are answered.


Recovery is primarily related to swelling, as bruising is not commonly seen in our patients (although it is a possibility). The typical recovery takes between 10 and 14 days, and we recommend planning two weeks off of work or social engagements to allow sufficient time to heal. Although healing is not completely finished by two weeks, most patients are sufficiently healed and can return to work and other occasions.

Minor swelling continues to improve steadily for up to one year following the procedure. Exercise can be resumed between three to four weeks following your surgery, depending on the nature of the activity and the degree of swelling involved.

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What to Expect From Your Comprehensive Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation

There are a variety of positive results you can expect from your upper eyelid blepharoplasty and complementary procedures, including:

  • A natural-looking and youthful appearance
  • The elimination of hooding and heaviness of upper eyes
  • A full and healthy upper lid complex (no longer skeletonized, harsh, or bony)
  • Long-lasting outcomes that look like your genuine, younger self

Why Choose Dr. Karam?

An average board-certified plastic surgeon performs approximately 20 eyelid procedures annually. Dr. Karam, on the other hand, performs over 350 every year. Extensive experience translates to more natural results, more consistency, and less variability, plus a distinct knowledge of different ethnicities and facial types and how to change the techniques to best suit the particular facial structure. Dr. Karam’s careful and intentional approach ensures that no one changes their identity, but rather winds up looking refreshed and youthful. Dr. Karam’s comprehensive approach—which has culminated in the Vertical Restore procedure—involves combining these procedures with others, resulting in synergistic effects. The entire face looks naturally and vibrantly youthful, rather than hosting a single, unnatural element.

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